ULTRA for Presbyopia 3 pack View larger

ULTRA for Presbyopia 3 pack

Manufacturer Bausch and Lomb - Biofinity



Bausch & Lomb ULTRA for Presbyopia offers an effective solution for those with presbyopia, particularly those who spend considerable time on digital devices. These monthly multifocal lenses are uniquely designed to keep eyes hydrated and comfortable, thanks to the MoistureSeal™ Technology, which retains 95% of lens moisture for up to 16 hours daily. Furthermore, the 3-Zone Progressive Design ensures seamless and consistent vision across all distances, providing users with optimal visual clarity without the need for glasses. Hence, these lenses offer a comprehensive solution for presbyopia, combining comfort, hydration, and superior vision quality.

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ULTRA for Presbyopia

MoistureSeal technology is just one of the amazing features of ULTRA for Presbyopia contact lenses. These monthly lenses by Bausch & Lomb primarily focus on providing users with total comfort for 16 hours through 95% hydration, but their 3-Zone Progressive Design is highlighted as well for people with presbyopia.

ULTRA for Presbyopia contact lenses can increase vision clarity regardless of the object’s distance. This is perfect for older individuals who are gradually struggling with blurry vision when they stare at an object. Presbyopia usually begins when people reach their 40s, and this forces most of them to wear glasses. Since glasses are inconvenient in certain situations, these lenses are the ideal alternative.

Now, more about the unique MoistureSeal technology, it prioritizes three important aspects. First, it ensures all-day comfort by maintaining moisture through high hydration levels. This eliminates the occurrence of dry eyes.

Next is high oxygen permeability. That is essential for healthier eyes despite the daily use of contact lenses. Lastly, each lens is very flexible to guarantee instant fit in the eye no matter the shape. Comfort will be apparent from the get-go to the user and it will feel that way as if they are not wearing lenses at all.

Key ULTRA for Presbyopia Features

  • All-day moisture: Relieves eyes that struggle with irritation and dryness daily
  • Oxygen permeability: Supplies oxygen to the eyes consistently to prevent any form of     infection
  •  3-Zone Progressive Design: Improves vision regardless of the object’s distance
  •  Flexible structure: Adapts to any eye shape instantly and feels extremely light for maximum comfort
  •   High durability: Can be used for 30 days without deteriorating despite daily use

Additional Information

  •         Brand: Bausch & Lomb

  •         Manufacturer: ULTRA
  •         Lenses in box: 3
  •         Material: Samfilcon A
  •         Water content: 46%
  •         Wearing time: 1 day
  •         Lens type: Daily; progressive (monthly replacement)
  •         Curvature: 8.5
  •         Diameter: 14.2
  •         Dk/t: 163 x 10 -9

About the Bausch & Lomb Brand

Bausch & Lomb is all about world-class eye health products for people of all ages. They prioritize innovation and quality when developing and manufacturing their product line. Research and development combined with modern engineering and technology make this manufacturer one of the most reliable companies in the industry.

Can I Order ULTRA for Presbyopia Without a Prescription?

Yes, you can order ULTRA for Presbyopia without prescription. Just make sure to check your actual prescription first with an eye specialist to know whether these contact lenses are suitable for your eyes or not


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ULTRA for Presbyopia 3 pack

ULTRA for Presbyopia 3 pack

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